Friday, September 5, 2008

Flub of the day, yet surprisingly awesome..

I'll get to a longer post this weekend--I've been busy all week with the new job during the day and soccer games in the evening. Andrew & Aidan had their first game last night and won 1-0. Gotta love those high scoring edge of your seat scoring frenzies. Almost as fun as the game was watching Agi begin the transformation into rabid US soccer mom, the kind that just might stomp down to the field and rip the head of that sweaty, nervous, 16 year old volunteer referee. Kidding! Sort of. Maybe not. Ok, I'll bring the restraint jacket to the next game :-)

Anywhoo-prior to my larger more meaningful post, which I am sure to get to this weekend, here was a smaller clip from this week's convention coverage. Obviously I loved Palin's speech and am currently enjoying the backlash against MSNB's raving moonbats and everyone else who has tried to "take her down" this week. If you saw her speech, you'll know why. ..

Anyway--this was funny. ABC's Terry Moran didn't even break a sweat on this flub.

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