The backyard is finally shaping up! Two years of basic neglect ensured that dandylions and other noxious weeds took over--I spent two weeks laying down thick layers of weedkiller, to no avail. The weeds laughed at me. So I did next what any rational parent with able-bodied teens would do--I sikked my boys on the lawn, and over a five day period they yanked out by hand approximately (in their words) a kajillion weeds. MY number came closer to 4000... In ANY case, the results are looking tremendous! I wish I had taken a before picture, but the after the after picture is 1000x better!

In other news--I've had a few good interviews these past two weeks. Too early to tell which will pan out. The job I'd really like is up in SLC, in a business park just up I80 from the airport, as a product manager for a large company that supplies Saks, Macy's, and Nordstroms with high-end cosmetics and supplements. And its an MLM-free company!! Who would have thunk! In Utah, no less! Naturally since it is in SLC, I would have to get a rental loft downtown--you know--to save on gas money (Agi rolls her eyes...) Heh Heh. We'll see. It would be a killer commute from Nephi... I might as well live in Menifee and drive to San Diego every day. Oh wait.....
It probably beats my other gainful employment idea--that of locking myself in the basement and finally cranking out the gory, mormon-themed thriller I've mused over for the last decade. You know--the one where one of the three Nephites goes bad, heads off on an unstoppable modern day killing spree, with only the other two Nephites, a renegade apostle, and the reconstituted Danites to stop him. They end up having to go all 'Shiz' on him in Missouri.... And in the epilogue, they'd stumble across a band of narcissistic, tortured, pale, skinny, abstinence-loving vampires in Oregon, and kill them all without a second thought :-). A real faith promoter! --Come on, who's with me? :-) I SMELL PULITZER!!!!
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