Monday, March 10, 2008

New phases...

What a whirlwind week--Agi and I & the kids are returning to Utah, looking forward to finally "nesting" in our Nephi home! After 4&half great years for TNI in SE Europe, my expat period is up. I guess I knew the day would be coming sometime, considering the typical expat for our company is abroad for only 2-3 years. We've exceeded that by almost 18 months already. We should be home around the 1st of May.

We leave Hungary with a ton of great memories, great friends, great experiences, and great pictures. We'll miss our branch dearly. As fate would have it, our branch is emptying out as well--most of the families are leaving this summer as well, so we are in good company.

I do regret having to change the name of our blog--somehow the "Nephi Palmers" doesn't have quite the ring to it as "The Budapest Palmers". But in light of our great exciting new chapter in life, we'll always still be on some level...

"The Budapest Palmers"...


Emily P. said...

Well if you don't want to be the Nephi Palmers we are more than willing to share the title of California Palmers! We are still so bummed for you guys but selfishly happy that you will be closer for visits.

The "A" Palmers said...

Thanks Em. Sharing that title actually sounds pretty good... I'm guessing I'd make more in CA... I need to send Jared my resume and see what San Diego coughs up for me :-)

Stacy said...

Hey... come to Iowa! No - Wait... Iowa sucks. We long for warmer weather!

It's a bummer that we never got to go overseas! That would have been sweet, but I really don't think my feet would have made it up 5,000 steps!!! :)

Do as much as you can with the kids before you all come home! What fun and awesome memories they will have!

Random Poet said...

Well, I know quite a few people that will miss you, but this gives us one more reason to come to the States more often :)

Stacy said...

How's Agi feeling?