that's actually true--loved NOV, loved the work, had just finished my training and was ready to deploy to the Far East, when the bottom truly fell out of the market. Thanks Global Recession! Apparently the contraction in oil demand has been steep enough to make most major companies cut back on new investments in the cool cutting edge drilling technologies (ahem, NOV). So most of our division was hosed. And I understand the company line--tough to keep 40 guys on the payroll when there just is no where to send them for 10-12 months. I've been on the other end of the table, and while it is certainly worse to GET laid off, being the one bearing bad news is no picnic either. So bummer. Being fully trained and qualified though, I guess its nice to know we're first on the callback list when work picks up, but who the hell wants to wait or CAN wait around that long? Meh...
In a nutshell, Agi and I are really enjoying yet ANOTHER chance to reevaluate where we are going, and I think I'm full circle back to schooling. I guess there is no bigger neon-flashing sign than this--that I'm supposed to go back to BYU and wrap up those pesky final 3-4 classes. So that's the plan. I'll keep working part-time while I knock the schooling out, and get back into the Reserves. Once the degree is out of the way, we'll go from there.
So that was our awesome Month of May .
IN way more fun family stuff--this development gave me the time to go hang out with Ashton on his Heber Creeper field trip. IT was fun being the only 'Dad' chaperone in the class. I got to be in charge of him and 2 other boys...
The actual 'Heber Creeper' train and route were a MASSIVE disappointment. I've heard for years now how cool the ride is, from Heber City through Provo Canyon. The actual ride was a major letdown. Get on the train, pull out of the station, creep along the backside of the Deer Creek Reservoir for 1 hour at 15 MPH, grind to a halt before even hitting the Canyon and all the supposedly spectacular views, then back up and creep back to the station. What a rip-off. Paid 6 bucks each to creep along in a straight line for 10 miles, then back. Might have been a thrill for the locals I guess, but after 'train-ing' it through Europe, this was a huge waste. Couldn't hold a candle to the ride from Budapest to Ljubljana. Both Agi and I are really missing Hungary right now. Happy to be home, love Nephi, love the schools, but there are just tons of little every day things that remind us of Hungary...
But the time spent with Ashton and his buddies was fun, and I guess that's the point....

Probably the only decent view from the train....

Lone Wolf and Cub hanging out in the bitter frigid crosswinds that are only experienced by screaming down the tracks at 15 mph...